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Life Of The Dreamer, Episode 3

Hi all my lovely readers,

So the main life event of this week was moving into my new home before university starts next week. O week has officially started but is expected to carry on for much longer than just one week (because current university students are becoming more and more addicted to partying). There are many planned events, most of which are being held in the campus bar.

I had my first taste of university parties on thursday night. It pretty much went how I expected it to... lots of people, lots of people drinking, lots of people dancing, lots of people drinking and dancing (and spilling there drinks while dancing). Its safe to say that it was a new experience for me and also that I had so much fun. Of course I was the sober person surrounded by all the people that probably wouldn't remember a thing in the morning.

The one thing that my brain seems to be focusing on at the moment is that I AM TIRED!!! But that message is being ignored by the more active part of me. To say that I am busy would be an understatement. I am literally living at school. All the people I know are living in the same place I am. Its not like your first year of high school when all your new friends go home every night and then you see them the next day. In a hall of residence your new friends are with you for most of the time that you have. You eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with them. My social life is blossoming and I am the happiest that I have been in a long time.

Exploring a new place is the most exciting part of my move. I come from a small town so the city life is an adjustment. I never knew how loud cars could be. My room is probably the closest to the road. I am now able to walk everywhere that I need to go (which is good for my fitness) whereas at home it was a 15 minute drive before I even reached the towns welcome sign. Life is changing. Thats the bottom line of it all and I couldn't be any more excited and happy.

Exicting and happy also will help to boost my writing mojo which officially kicks into gear this coming tuesday.

For now though my plans involve making the most of my O week. My toga party is tonight, which means I am desperately trying to type out this post before I have to head out for dinner while thinking about exactly how a bedsheet is supposed to transform into a perfectly nice garment to wear out partying. At this stage I only have one saftey pin so holding the toga together is going to be a bit of a nightmare, but at least I have a good pair of heels to make up for the crumpled bedsheet appearance.

Anyway this is the last you will hear from me for tonight. I'm off to get some food... and then maybe a few drinks.

Talk to you later



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